How can we rebuild our local economies and transform the way we live, to create sustainable development and well-being for people, the planet, and future generations? 4theRegion is a cross-sector network that brings together people, businesses, large organisations, community groups and educational institutions - who care about the future of South West Wales, and the wellbeing of our communities, and want to make a difference. The 4theRegion podcast is a way to stay connected with the huge range of different conversations and events that we host with people and organisations across the region. Our goal is to strengthen communication and collaboration across our region, so that everyone feels more positive, more empowered and better able to contribute to a happier, healthier and more resilient future. Our mantra is that the future of our region is in our hands - as the people, businesses and organisations of South West Wales. As you’ll hear, again and again, through the events and conversations that we host, there is so much happening, so many exciting projects and initiatives, so much important work, and so many reasons to feel positive and inspired. We think South West Wales is surely the BEST place to live and work in the whole of the UK - if not the world! - and we hope that by tuning into this podcast you will find nuggets of information and a general sense of empowerment, so that together we can co-create a happier, healthier future and a thriving economy, for Swansea, Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire and Neath Port Talbot.
Monday Aug 31, 2020
12. Connecting to Kindness with Wyndham Williams
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Dawn speaks to Wyndham Williams about the Connect to Kindness campaign, set up to encourage kindness in the workplace, at home and throughout the community. Wyndham also shares his Tinman Tuesdays project, which supports the community food bank in Narberth by safely collecting tins from people's driveway.
Connect to Kindness website: https://connecttokindness.wales/
Tinman Tuesday: https://www.facebook.com/tinmantuesday/
View the infographic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVIdTjCuMio&
Monday Aug 24, 2020
11. Regional Procurement
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
We speak to various businesses and organisations from across South West Wales about regional #Procurement. If businesses and organisations in this region buy more from each other, we can keep more wealth here in South West Wales, develop our supply chain, and create more opportunities for people and local businesses. How can we encourage reorganisation of local economies, post-COVID, in order to maintain wealth recirculating within the region? #BuildBackBetter
Monday Aug 17, 2020
10. Swansea City Bay Deal with Jonathan Burnes
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Monday Aug 17, 2020
In this episode, we speak to Swansea Bay City Deal Programme Director, Dr. Jonathan Burnes about his new role and what's currently happening in the City Deal office, including the Swansea Waterfront Digital District and the Yr Egin creative and digital cluster in Carmarthen, as well as future plans for the deal. We discuss with Jonathan his hopes for the future of South West Wales, what he'd love to see and what the impact of COVID-19 has on city deal projects.
Monday Aug 10, 2020
09. Skills and Jobs of the Future
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Monday Aug 10, 2020
We spoke to different educational providers throughout the region about how we can help school and college leavers to maximise their experience through work experience, further education and apprenticeships and explore what is currently offered, as well as future plans on how to further support young people in learning. Furthermore, there's a strong importance to retaining skilled young people within the region in order to capture what South West Wales has to offer for future generations.
In this episode, we explore how important it is to continue supporting the future education and careers of young people.
Monday Aug 03, 2020
08. Reconstructing the Economy with Jeremy Miles
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Dawn speaks to Jeremy Miles MS, Counsel General for Wales and Brexit Minister and Member of the Senedd for Neath, about actions that the Welsh government have been taking during lockdown in order to reconstruct the Welsh economy.
We face huge, unprecedented challenges in the near future and that journey should not rely heavily on a 'back to normal' approach. As the government works through the course of recovery, the approach will be committed towards social, economic and environmental justice under the Well-Being of Future Generations Act.
In May, Jeremy issued an invitation to people in Wales to share their thoughts on how the government should support future post-Covid recovery and reconstruction in Wales. To date, there have been over 1000 submissions sent to the dedicated mailbox. Submissions remain open and are encouraged to continue. Analysing and drawing on the ideas received is, and will be, a key part of recovery over the next few weeks and months.
You can email your thoughts to: ourfuturewales@gov.wales
Monday Jul 27, 2020
07. Nature Has Rights Too with Jane Davidson #Futuregen
Monday Jul 27, 2020
Monday Jul 27, 2020
Anyone who wants to see a greener, more prosperous, lower carbon, more equal and healthier future for Wales, and for the planet, owes a debt of gratitude to Jane Davidson, former Welsh Government Minister and erstwhile Pro VC of the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, for her pioneering work to embed sustainable development and one-planet principles at the heart of decision making in Wales.
In her new book, '#FutureGen, Lessons from a Small Country', Jane Davidson recounts Wales' journey towards the creation of the The Wellbeing of Future Generations Act of 2015, which was the first piece of legislation anywhere in the world to enshrine the rights of nature and future generations in law. It's the story of how "one small nation responded to global climate issues by radically rethinking public policy for future generations".
In this interview with Jane Davidson, 4theRegion's Dawn Lyle explores what makes the WBFGA so important; the tension between individual responsibility and the need for governments to lead the way; some inspiring stories of sustainable development principles in action across society; and what needs to happen next in order to deliver fully on the promise of the Act in Wales.
#FutureGen is available in audio, ebook and hardback formats.
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
06. What Next For Swansea High Street?
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Swansea High Street has been the focus of redevelopment efforts by many creative businesses and organisations. What has been the effect on the High Street as a result of lockdown and how can we re-encourage people to safely visit once again? In this roundtable discussion, we invited High Street-based businesses to share their thoughts on transforming the area described as the gateway to the city.
Monday Jul 13, 2020
05. Community Growing and Local Food
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Monday Jul 13, 2020
What has been the effect on our shopping habits, priorities and values surrounding food as a result of the lockdown? How do we scale up community growing and local food initiatives, and what does the sector need to achieve these goals? In this roundtable discussion, we explore how we can make locally produced food more accessible to communities in rural and urban areas alike, along with the wellbeing and social benefits of community garden spaces.
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
04. Cohesive Communities with Iwan Thomas
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Pembrokeshire-based PLANED is one of the organisations committed to making a difference across our region, by improving the quality of life of communities through focusing on their opportunities, potential and helping them to achieve their aspirations. We spoke to the CEO of PLANED, Iwan Thomas, about the communities they work with, projects they are running and what he sees as the priorities for Pembrokeshire and the wider region as we emerge from lockdown.
Monday Jul 06, 2020
03. The Return to Work
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
As we begin to reopen the economy, we discussed with businesses and major employers about how we’re going to return to work, and what work looks like now. We explored the possibility of these changes remaining and the longer term impacts for commercial property, transport planning, jobs, and wellbeing. Has the novelty of “working from home” worn off, or could we see more remote working even when offices re-open?